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Working for NOOSE

Challenge your mind and use your skills and talents with a NOOSE career. Our employees play a vital role to secure our country and preserve our freedoms.


The National Office of Security Enforcement has a vital mission to secure the nation from the many threats we face. This requires the dedication of more than 230,000 employees in jobs that range from aviation and border security to emergency response, from cybersecurity analyst to chemical facility inspector. Our duties are wide-ranging and include detection, preparation for, prevention, protection against, response to, and recovery from terrorist attacks; enhancing security; securing and managing our borders; enforcing and administering immigration laws; safeguarding and securing cyberspace; and ensuring resilience to disasters. Our primary goal is clear - keeping the United States of America safe.



Why not read about a few of many of the sub-agencies and teams which work under our Department in order to get a better understanding of what we do, the opportunities available to you as a potential future-employee of ours, and to get a general understanding of what a day in the OSE is like for a regular special agent.

Patriotism and Immigration Authority

U.S. Patriotism and Immigration Authority (PIA) employees protect America from the cross-border crime and illegal immigration that threaten national security and public safety. To carry out our mission, PIA focuses on legal and safe immigration enforcement, terrorism prevention and combating transnational criminal threats. PIA's national security mission is carried out by a wide variety of law enforcement, intelligence, and mission support professionals. 

Tactical Response Unit

U.S. Tactical Response Unit (TRU) employees protect America from dangerous individuals and groups operating at the front line of the action, in preventing and combating extreme situations and criminal threats. TRU works alongside local and state authorities to swiftly resolve situations where authorities require assistance. TRU focuses on facing the threat head-on, neutralizing threats and protecting citizens, from terrorist incidents to organized crimes.

Security Enforcement Police

U.S. Security Enforcement Police (SEP) employees are federal law enforcement officers that are primarily tasked with protecting NOOSE facilities, properties, installations, personnel, users, visitors, and operations from harm and may enforce certain laws and administrative regulations. SEP is the backbone of Security for NOOSE, and additionally provide support to local and state authorites at certain areas, e.g. ports, and during certain events, e.g. public gatherings, state of emergencies.


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